「愛.無煙 X 世界無煙日2021」現正接受公司企業報名
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本頁圖片/檔案 - 2021-531-宣傳海報
Ingredients of a Cigarette
  • There are more than 7000 kinds of chemicals in a single cigarette and at least 69 of them carcinogenic.
    • 3 Major ingredients are Nicotine, Tar, and Carbon Monoxide. Their undesirable effects are:
      • Nicotine 
        • Increases arousal and is highly addictive
        • Increases blood pressure, and thus the risk of various cardiovascular diseases
      • Tar
        • It is the major carcinogen in a cigarette, can cause various kinds of cancers such as oral cancer, throat cancer, and lung cancer
        • Intervenes the gas exchange process in lungs and causes rough breathing
        • Causes yellowish discolouration to skin, fingernails and teeth
      • Carbon Monoxide
        • It is a colourless, odorless and toxic gas produced when a cigarette is burned
        • Impairs the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, leading to hypoxia of different organs
Hazards of Cigarette Smoking
Smoking and Women
  • Smoking accelerates the aging of skin and stains your nails and teeth
  • Smoking leads to early menopause
  • Smoking causes irregular menstruation and painful menstrual periods
  • Smoking reduces the reproductive ability of women by 25% and may cause infertility
  • Female smokers have a higher chance of having cervical cancer and osteoporosis
  • Smoking is especially harmful to pregnant women (10 times more likely to have miscarriage, 3 Times more likely to have Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), A higher chance of having cleft lip and cleft palate, asthma, and respiratory infections, Smoking during pregnancy affects infants’ physical and intellectual development)
Smoking and Men
  • Smoking increases the chance of erectile dysfunction
  • Men who smoke are 2 times more likely to become bald compared with their non-smoker counterparts
  • Smoking impairs male’s ability to produce normal sperms
What is second-hand smoke?
  • Second-hand smoke is a combination of mainstream smoke (i.e. the smoke that smoker inhales and then exhales) and side-stream smoke (i.e. the smoke that emits from the end of a lit cigarette)
  • Second-hand smoke is classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as "Group A carcinogen" and there isn’t a risk-free level of exposure. In addition, no ventilation systems can eliminate the risk of second-hand smoke exposure. The toxic residues of the smoke can remain indoor for 3 hours and even longer.
What is third-hand smoke?
  • Third-hand smoke refers to the chemical residues of cigarette smoke that are attached onto clothing, walls, furniture, carpet, and even skin and hair. The toxic residues can stay on the surfaces for weeks and even for months.
  • Third-hand smoke contains many toxins, such as hydrocyanic acid (used in chemical weapons), butane (used in lighter fluid), toluene (used in paint thinners), arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide, and even polonium-210 (a highly radioactive carcinogen).
  • Only acidic cleaner can remove residual nicotine. However, as most of the soaps and detergents in the market are alkaline, it is difficult to remove third-hand smoke.
  • Infants and toddlers are full of curiosity. They like crawling on the floor and put objects into their mouths. Thus, they are especially vulnerable to third-hand smoke.